Roles: Certified K-12 Group Piano Instructor, Certified 6-12 Group Guitar Instructor, Videographer, Producer, Composer
Location: Online and Nashville Satellite
My hope is that every student at Arrow walks away realizing that music is in their hands. It’s not meant to be scary, boring, or pedantic – music is the language of emotion, and we can use it to change lives! I hope every student becomes fluent in this language.
About Kennoniah
Kennoniah is Kevin and Kellee’s son and has been working at the studio since the beginning – first as an assistant, and later as a teacher. His musical talent is undeniable, as is his skill as an instructor. Being a young musician himself, he always finds ways to connect to his students and help them through the hurdles that come with learning an instrument. Kennon teaches both piano and guitar.
Kennon also frequently serves as the in-house photographer and videographer and has written, directed, and produced numerous videos for Arrow as Head of Media for the studio. Kennoniah also co-writes Arrow’s proprietary chording curriculum, “Chording Essentials” with Kellee.
Music Background
I started my musical journey when my parents taught me piano and guitar. I remember singing with them for worship services they led, singing in choir, and taking piano and basically being the first Arrow Academy student! I loved the Advanced Program, and took the skills of dissecting and embellishing a song into playing keyboards at youth group services in Reach church in Des Moines. I learned a lot on how to prepare a song for a show with a band, bandleader and sound mixer – all things that directly transferred to touring which is what I do today. I moved to Nashville, TN in 2018 to pursue a degree in Commercial Music at Lipscomb University. I often will come home to Iowa between tours and recording sessions to teach students at Arrow in masterclasses, or to support in our larger events.
I believe fervently in the Arrow Academy program more than any other piano teaching method, which is why I’ve loved teaching through Arrow and to help expand their Advanced Program using the experience I’ve gained in the music industry. I hope to bring a taste of the freedom, and meaning that music has brought to my life to every student at Arrow Academy.
Beyond Arrow
I play piano, guitar, sing, and use those abilities to write and record music for films!
I have arranged, orchestrated, or played for many musicians in Nashville. I was lucky enough recently to have parts I orchestrated and wrote performed at the legendary Grand Ol’ Opry in Nashville. I have arranged or performed for Tommee Profitt, Cody Fry, Colton Dixon, David Nail, and Troy Cartwright – to name just a few.
My website has some of my scoring work available to listen to! Visit Kennoniah.com.